Privacy Policy

Data Register of Processing Activity Identification

TESTiLABS Oy, FI-27954349

Uusikatu 24 F 61

90100 Oulu

Data Protection Officer

Petri Pajarinen

Data Register Name

TESTiLABS Customer and Marketing Data Register

Why do we collect and store data?

We store the information keeping in order to create, keep up and build up our client relations, to market our services and to increase better comprehension about the requirements of our present and potential clients and business accomplices, regardless of whether they are in collaboration with TESTiLABS Oy. We additionally store individual information to satisfy business relations, for example, invoicing or contractual issues.

Content of the Register

The data register may contain individual information, for example, first and last names, telephone numbers and email addresses. We may store information regarding your position in your company, your employers’ name and other contact information. Moreover, some of the information stored may also be outlines of our meetings with you together with the pertinent dates and times

Sources of Data

We gather data through different channels.

  • Directly through meetings, calls and email conversations.

  • Internet, through your website and appropriate social media services

  • Contact forms and data stored from downloading our online material (cookies)

  • Anonymously through Google Analytics

How and where we store your data?

We may store your data in different systems

  • CRM System(s): PipeDrive

  • Mailing list service(s)

  • Marketing and sales tool(s)

  • Chat service(s)

  • Spreadsheets, Documents (Office 365), Notepads, Address book(s)

  • XML/JSON Files

Principles of Data Register Protection

Data is kept confidential, by passwords and by the necessary technical measures on secure servers.

How long is the data kept?

Data shall not be kept for longer than necessary for purposes by which the personal data is processed.

Transfer of Data Outside the EU or EEA

We host your data on a cloud-based customer relationship management service primarily in the European Union. Information is not to be disclosed outside of the EU or EEA.

Data Checking

Our Data Protection Officer does not disclose information to third parties, except to a limited number of our staff. All employees having access to such data are bound by confidentiality obligations. Moreover, Data Processing 3rd party services that we use such as the CRM System(s) are bound by GDPR rules.

This may be different if required by public authorities or legislation. Kindly note that there can be special cases based on your country due to local laws or authorities and that we might be committed to reveal your information to authorities as per pertinent law or a request of an regulatory or statutory authority

Data Reviewing Rights

You have the right to inspect what information has been stored on the basis of sections 26-28 of the Personal Data Act 523/1999

Data Correction Rights

In the event that the information enlisted about you is incorrect, you have the privilege to correct the data.

Section 29 of Section 523/1999 of the Personal Data Act requires that the Data holder, without undue delay, corrects, removes or supplements the personal data contained in the customer register incorrectly for the purposes of the processing, if it is incorrect, unnecessary, incomplete or outdated.

Right to Erasure (‘right to be forgotten’)

You have the right to obtain from the controller the erasure of personal data concerning him or her without undue delay and the controller shall have the obligation to erase personal data without undue delay from all of our systems, unless it is needed for completing legal or contractual obligations.