Custom Union EAEU/EAC tightens the requirements

Custom Union EAEU/EAC

The Customs Union EAEU/EAC substantially changes the requirements in 2021. The fist updates had come into force on January 1, 2021 and more are staged on May 1, 2021 and June 1, 2021. 

The main changes in the declaration (DoC) and certification (CoC) processes are:

  • The Russian user manual requirements should be strictly followed
  • Samples must be shipped according to new Federal State Information System (FSIS) requirements, otherwise the samples cannot be used for local testing and may be rejected by Russian customs
  • The responsibilities of local representative company are increased


Please contact TESTiLABS for any queries regarding the new requirements. We are happy to guide you through EAEU/EAC approval process.