Indonesia New SAR Testing Standards: Are Your Devices Ready?

Indonesia’s Directorate General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Information Technology (SDPPI) has recently enacted a new regulatory framework, KOMINFO No 177 Tahun 2024, which imposes Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing requirements on mobile phones and tablet computers. This development follows extensive public consultations and reflects Indonesia’s commitment to enhancing consumer safety and minimizing health risks associated with electromagnetic emissions from telecommunication devices.

Key Aspects of the New SAR Requirements

  1. Scope of Regulation: The regulation applies to mobile phones and tablet computers that operate within 20 cm of the body and emit a radiated power exceeding 20 mW.
  2. Implementation Dates:
    • SAR Limits for the Head: Starting April 1, 2024.
    • SAR Limits for the Torso/Body Limbs: Effective from August 1, 2024.
  3. Compliance and Approval Process:
    • Devices falling under this regulation must include a SAR test report in their type approval applications.
  4. Grace Period: Recognizing potential logistical challenges, SDPPI offers a two-year grace period. During this time, if the designated lab is unable to provide the SAR report timely, manufacturers can proceed with certification by submitting a statement letter from the lab. This letter should outline the estimated report issuance date, and applicants will have 14 days from this estimated date to submit the final SAR report to SDPPI for certification.

Why This Matters

As the regulation sets in, both local and international manufacturers must adapt to ensure compliance. This not only involves logistical adjustments in testing and certification but also a strategic review of product designs to meet these regulatory standards.

For industry stakeholders, staying informed and prepared is crucial. Compliance with these regulations not only aligns with legal obligations but also demonstrates a commitment to consumer health and safety, enhancing brand trust and loyalty among users.