SAR Testing: Guarding Against Hidden Risks

The safety of radio products that we use every day is paramount. This is where Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing comes into play. SAR testing measures the amount of radio frequency energy absorbed by the body when using a wireless device, ensuring that exposure levels remain within safe limits set by regulatory bodies worldwide.

Why is SAR Testing Necessary?

Every radio product emits electromagnetic fields that, if not properly regulated, could potentially harm users. SAR testing is crucial because it helps manufacturers ensure that their devices comply with global safety standards, protecting users from excessive radiofrequency exposure. In some regions, such as Europe, RF Exposure Evaluation is sufficient in cases where device is used further than 20cm from the human (or animal) body or combined simultaneous transmission power of all radios is less than 20mW. In all other cases SAR testing is required.

Our Role in Ensuring Safety

We have over two decades of experience in RF Exposure Evaluations and SAR testing. We’ve assisted clients with complex products that were challenging to test, ensuring their devices meet all international and national standards swiftly and efficiently. Our expertise helps manufacturers avoid delays and complications, smoothing the path to market entry and ensuring user safety.

As technology evolves and the use of wireless devices grows, the role of SAR testing becomes ever more critical. Ensuring that all devices adhere to the strict limits of RF exposure is not just a regulatory requirement—it’s a commitment to consumer health and safety. By choosing experienced testing services, manufacturers can guarantee compliance and contribute to the overall wellbeing of their customers.