Why invest in product testing?

Mechanical testing of a customer´s mobile device

After reading this article you will know why and how to save resources by investing in product testing. Multiple companies, big and small, make huge mistakes by thinking that testing is just something that you must do because of authorities and does not really add a lot of value on the actual product.

Actually, it can be quite the opposite. If your company takes testing seriously and puts some time on the test planning already in the product concept phase, you can have tremendous advantage compared to your competitors. By investing your time and some resources in accurate test plan creation and testing you will at least gain the following advantages:

  • Understand the total cost of the product
  • Understand what should be tested & certified and when the testing should take place
  • You will get feedback on your product already during the product development phase and can quickly implement changes in HW or SW
  • Save money by minimizing the number of prototypes
  • And most importantly, greatly speed up the product’s market access process and hit the market on the planned budged and schedule

When you are working as a test or certification manager for your product, your main task is to get the product to the market as quickly and as affordably as possible and the benefits of investing your time in testing seems natural.

Unfortunately, when you are CTO, CEO or CMO and at the same time a test manager, your weekly time schedule can be somewhat tight and testing related issues are not often the biggest worry on your mind – until they are. In addition to your normal everyday job you must:

  • Plan the test schedule and budget
  • Find out what tests/certifications are necessary
  • Find out proper test companies to test or certify your product
  • Check out the prices
  • Follow up the test processes and make reports
  • Fill out the necessary forms and papers in order to get the product to the market

As shown above, if your daily job is not being a test manager, it can be heavy to fill out your head and schedule with additional tasks related to your product’s testing and certifications. This is why outsourcing the test management can be extremely helpful for you by saving your time, money and nerves.

Experienced test manager is not only able to avoid the common mistakes done during the test/certification process and make the road to market access smoother but also take some of the crucial work away from your shoulders and helps you to focus on other issues.

Contact TESTiLABS if you want to get:

  • More accurate investment planning
  • Better resource usage
  • Best product quality and performance
  • Better cost efficiency
  • A competitive advantage through testing