FICORE’s Fusion: Connecting Finland and India

The Finnish Indian Consortia for Research and Education (FICORE) represents a significant stride in international cooperation, merging Finnish and Indian expertise in science and technology. Backed by a robust 185 million euro funding from the Finnish Ministry from 2020 to 2024, FICORE is setting the stage for groundbreaking innovations through an array of pilot projects.


From Quantum Computing to 6G-Enhanced Education in India

Spanning 2021 to 2024, FICORE’s initiatives include seeding 38 projects across India that cut across various domains of technology—from wireless systems and AI-driven beamforming to quantum computing and ethical AI solutions. These projects not only push the envelope in technological innovation but also adapt these advancements to critical sectors such as healthcare and education through 6G-enabled services, demonstrating the tangible impacts of these technologies in everyday life.

EU flagship endeavor: Hexa-X-II

A pivotal element of FICORE’s strategy is its involvement in the Hexa-X-II initiative, which is the European Commission’s flagship endeavor for 6G research. Led by tech giants like Nokia and Ericsson, this program highlights the crucial evolution toward next-generation wireless networks and opens avenues for Indian stakeholders to significantly influence the global telecom landscape.


Bharat 6G Vision: Pioneering Future Telecoms

Complementing these efforts, India’s own ‘Bharat 6G Vision,’ launched in March of the previous year, positions the country to be at the forefront of 6G technology by 2030. This ambitious roadmap underlines India’s commitment to not only keeping pace with global technological advancements but also securing a leadership role in the forthcoming phases of telecom innovation.